Wait a minute! How did we get here?!

The signs were obvious I suppose. The cleaning lists (plural, “his” and “hers”). The invitations mailed. Menu planned. Food bought. Folding tables, chairs and crockpots from friends dropped off at our house. My wife’s “I’m on a MISSION” face in stark contrast to our daughters “M’eh” attitude about tomorrow. It’s graduation party time at the Palatial Estates and Worldwide Headquarters of Ripley Industries for our youngest daughter Macy. I knew that it was coming, seriously….I did. Having been through this twice already I know my role as “second in command, lifter of heavy things, groundskeeper,head grill-master and chief greeter” (gotta put the ‘eye-candy’ front and center is what I always say).

Anyway, with our first two daughters, having their party was just something that came with the territory, “we’ve got another one coming along in a couplea years” is what we told ourselves. One daughter won’t be with us tomorrow, she’s in Tokyo, another is stopping by before a friends wedding. With Macy, we’ve reached the end-of-the-line. She’s the baby of the family, and truth be told, I’ve always thought of her that way even though she’s eighteen, traveled around Germany, held down a part-time job and been an easy kid to raise. Next fall she’ll head to the University of Iowa for her freshman year. We’ll be “empty-nesters”….when did this happen? How did we get here?! It went by so quickly, but that’s a blog for another day. Until then, here’s a few snapshots of Macy Sue, graduate of Kennedy High 2014.

Macy loved to "tease me" by punching me in the butt as I mowed the yard.  I'd stop and chase her down....

Macy loved to “tease me” by punching me in the butt as I mowed the yard. I’d stop and chase her down….

...which would lead to me manhandling her around the yard for awhile.  I offered to do that again this morning...she declined.

…which would lead to me manhandling her around the yard for awhile. I offered to do that again this morning…she declined.

A family photo in Keystone South Dakota.  From L to R.  Me, Macy, Jordan, Karalee and Connie

A family photo in Keystone South Dakota. From L to R. Me, Macy, Jordan, Karalee and Connie

The "toothless wonder" Macy, March 2003

The “toothless wonder” Macy, March 2003

Professional photographers always make your little girls look uncomfortably "grown up" for their Fathers tastes.

Professional photographers always make your little girls look uncomfortably “grown up” for their Fathers tastes.

Congratulations to you Macy. We love you.
Mom and Dad